Koninklijke bibliotheek  

How do we stimulate the youth to read more?

This project revolved fully around the stimulation of the reading habits of "the youth" (People between the ages of 17 and 25). The koninklijke bibliotheek noticed a decrease in the renting of books, so they wanted me and a team of student designers to research this target audience and find a way to improve their reading habits.

Below you will find the proces of this project with as last step the final product.


The first step for us was to connect with our target group. Solid research was our priority.

We connected with our target audience by utilizing qualitative and quantitative design research techniques, like regular one-on-one interviews, but also questionnaires and focus groups. Here we could get to the basis of the problem and have a starting point to start thinking of making solutions.

We collected all the data we needed and transformed this into a research analysis which we could present to our client. This was also the stage that we could draw a few conclusions based on the found data. These conclusions could be dissected into insight , which would be the start to our next phase. The Concept fase. Here we would put the insight to use and use them as a rulebook or guidelines for our concept.


We have our data and our insight, which we can now use as boundaries for our concept.

Utilizing creative techniques, I led a few creative sessions. These included the a braindump with a COCD-box. This technique involves cleaning your mind and then thinking of as much ideas as possible within a set timeframe. After me and my group had a list of around 10 ideas each, we took the time to look at someones ideas and think of more ideas based on these. This technique resembles "laddering", but with concepts instead of an interview. After this proces we had 117 ideas ready to be used.

To filter this huge amount down, I introduced a COCD-box. This is a box which will split the ideas into four categories based on their originality and reachability. This filtered our ideas down to around 20 ideas. After scrapping or merging ideas that were kind of similar, we were left with three concepts that had the power of originality and were reachable in the timeframe we were given by our client.

Final concept:

"Utilizing a digital platform to infuse the literature with an algorithm that will play fitting background music to fit the overall part of the story."

Feedback, Feedback and more Feedback.

We presented these ideas to our client, with a low fidelity prototype that would resemble the final product or service. This feedback was then used to better the concept and test them with our target group by organizing focus groups and interview sessions. We eventually went with one idea that worked best with the wishes and values of our target group and client.


Finalizing the chosen concept into a working prototype was our next step.

After finalizing the concept fase the last step for us was to get back to our first research and look at our technological possibilities. We used these to conclude that the best platform to work on would be a mobile application. We started with a set of wireframes that followed the feedback and the set design criteria in the Connect and Concept fase. These quickly turned into a first high-fid prototype that we tested with our target group and client.

This was the last bit of feedback we needed to complete this project and deliver our final product during the final presentation.

The client was very happy and even asked us to come present the concept again, when corona restrictions are lifted.


The final product can be found in the link below:

View Prototype

What did we learn?

This was a very insightful project for me. I taught myself and others a lot of new creative techniques, used new skills like videography and video editing and managed to dive a lot deeper into design research and the visual aspects of a concept.

Also the new programs that I was either taught or learned myself will be very useful in the future. Programs like: Miro, Figma and Webflow.

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